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Olivia Leach

plane over ACK golf course.HEIC

Welcome To My Portfolio

I am based in Boston, MA with experience in sales, marketing, and social media. I am passionate about travel, fashion, culture, and photography. I have been fortunate enough to work in industries that have allowed me to do what I love most. I want to highlight some of my most recent work. All of the images displayed are my own.

Recent Work



I currently work in the aviation industry. I am in charge of marketing, social media, and sales. One of my main responsibilities is producing our weekly newsletter and designing marketing flyers.

plane over Boston.HEIC


Content Collaboration

I use original content in the work I produce. Photographers and media guests that come on board have graciously shared their images to include in the newsletters as well.


Digital Marketing and Social Media

The content that my team and I use on our materials and on social media represent the TW brand as an exclusive, premier flying experience.

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